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Weekly Warrior - Meet Katy

Let me introduce myself I'm Katy and this is my husband Chris.

Im 31 and my lovely hubby is 39. We married in September 2014 and decided we would start trying for a baby on our honeymoon June 2015... we had always know that our journey wouldn't be easy because my periods were very few and fair apart but anyway we started trying. We had no luck and my periods still hadn't show it face for a good few month, so I called my local doctors who straight away arranged for an appointment with fertility in Shropshire at the local Shrewsbury hospital.

We went to our appointment where we met Dr. Bentick he talked through my periods and gave me a course of Provera to start kick my period and then he gave me 9 months of clomid. I took my clomid day 3 to day 7 and ovulation was confirmed by bloods but still no baby happened. Dr. Bentick then saw us again and suggested that maybe it would be helpful if i had my ovaries drilled seemed i had PCOS so I went in to hospital and had the operation, once I was awake Dr. Bentick came in and spoke to me about it all and that he had took pictures throughout it all for me to keep. He also explained how my left ovary had tried to attach itself to my bowel so he had removed a tiny little bit of my bowel, but this will not effect anything. He then told me to just try and conceive on our own for 3 months and then it would be IVF.

So in January 2017 I started my IVF journey the day we received our box of injections and medication it was like Christmas day. We both sat on the floor opening the boxes one by one and looking at each other thinking how the hell are we going to deal with this, but that soon changed when we had to start doing them we actually found the injections to be fine. My hubby and I made a good team. My lovely hubby would make my needles up and I would inject myself.

We didn't let lift of IVF get in the way if I needed to inject or take my medication with me then I would. I went for quiet a lot of scans and we ended up finding out that I had gotten OHSS, so my cycle ended up being a freeze all cycle. We went to egg collected and 13 eggs were taken away and all placed on dish ready to meet husband sperm. We were lucky and 10 eggs fertilized. All my eggs were frozen on day 2 due to this the policy of the hospital if you have to go freeze all.

So lets fast forward a few months where I let my body recover from the egg collection. In March 2017 we had 2 embryos placed in, but unfortunately my lining didn't want to play ball and it was only 7.5mm when they were placed it and then we had to dreaded 2 week wait. I worked though it to try and keep my mind of things but sadly it ended it a BFN ( big fat negative). I cried for a whole day, but then I knew I had to move so. So from March until June I didn't have a period. That didn't even make me think that I could be pregnant because things like that don't happen when you have needed IVF. After feeling poorly for a few days and ended up at the local end of hours doctors we took a test and to our amazement I was pregnant. 3 days later I sent for a scan where we found out i was 6 week and 2 days. We got to see the baby's heartbeat and we were so over joyed i think we cried for days.

Unfortunately 10 days later I started to have an heavy bleed I went straight to our early pregnancy unit, who were amazing, and couldn't do enough for us and told us to come back in 2 days. It was the longest two days in history, but we returned and in my head I thought my journey was over, but NO their was a little bambino with a little heart beat. This is where we had our shock and were told by the looks of my scan I had been carrying twins, but only one was still going strong.

We thought we were the luckiest people going. So I went back to work and carried on life as normal sickness was bad, so I thought perfect this is a good sign. I was booked for a scan and we were so excited until the lady scanned me and I could tell by the look on her face it wasn't good news. We had lost our baby. I cried and cried. I didn't want it to be true. I was booked back in to the early pregnancy unit the next day to talk about how i would like the baby removed. We both cried through the appointment, but we decided due to it being a missed miscarriage and my sack still growing and my body not accepting it had gone, it was worth to have a D and C, so that's what I did. The nurses were amazing and I explained that I was off to buy a special box, so I could put everything in the nurse stopped me and said we have a special box that we would like to give you and it was the most beautiful box ever full of lots of little things to remember the twins. These are all donated and funded by a charity called #4louis.

When I left the hospital that day with my box in my hand I thought these boxes cost £30 to make I'm going to turn my sadness in to something good and that's what I did. I started emailing local companies to see if they would donate a prize and I would make an online raffle and I did just that. By four weeks we had raised over £600 for the charity on my thanks giving page. I wanted people to know we had lost our two bambinos and I wanted people to be aware of the fabulous charity 4louis.

After we had raised our money I then went back to the fertility clinic where i was given 9 months of Letrozole. Once again I ovulated every month but no babies. So we carried on trying in the mean time me and my husband joined a team of 14 to climb Snowdon, which is the highest mountain in Wales. As a team we raised for the 4Louis charity and also the Tommy Charity who help do the research in to babies who are born sleeping.

While doing our walk and whilst I was taking picture my husband said why don't you open us a page and talk about the journey. This is where my #kpivfjourney on Instargram came from and from then I documented everything. I also always wrote a journa,l but never really showed anyone else.

So here I am now, November 2018, just gone though another failed frozen embryo transfer and now back on the waiting list for February 2019.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading our story, and I wish I could sprinkle everyone with baby dust.



You can follow Katy's journey on Instagram at kpivfjourney



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